
Thanks for Stopping By

When I purchased this domain and started setting up the site, my plan was to have a site that focused on being fit physically, mentally, and financially.  I didn't feel like I was perfectly fit in any of these areas, but I had struggled with each in the past, and felt I had made enough progress in each area to start sharing information about each area.

The universe is a funny thing though, and after a few months I still hadn't published my first article.  Every day on my way home from work, my mind would go crazy and get excited thinking about all of the things I was going to share in this space.  Then I'd get home, and my motivation was gone.  I could feel it being drained the closer I got to my house.  I knew before I even pulled into the driveway that I was going to have to put things off until “tomorrow”.  And we all know how that goes.

It took me a while to recognize it (too long probably) but I was depressed.  It would be dishonest to imply that I'm not still fighting it as of this writing.  Depression was something I battled from a very young age up until sometime in my mid to late 20's, so I should have known what was going on.  I didn't though, not until it started exposing itself more heavily through my thoughts, actions, and reactions in my daily life.  I was still going to the gym almost every day, but I wasn't working out that hard while I was there. I was feeding my depression with junk food, and eating out more frequently than I previously allowed myself to.  I was eating out more mostly because I didn't feel like cooking once I got home from work.  Eating out more meant this bout of depression was hitting me in the wallet, and saving money was always my main motivator for NOT eating out.

This all hit me one day on my way home from work.  I started thinking about the site, and why I hadn't done anything with it.  I knew the 1 year renewal was coming up, and I was going through all of the pros and cons of renewing it.  I decided to renew it, I thought it would push me into actually sitting down and writing out some blog entries, and getting the site up and running.  It didn’t.  It’s been almost 6 months since then, so it’s been about a year and a half since I put this idea into motion.  But I’m ready.  It’s time to stop procrastinating, to stop being lazy about it, to stop feeling anxious about getting the site started.

The focus of the site will still be what I originally planned.  It’s about being fit physically, mentally, and financially.  My definition of fit doesn’t mean perfect, it means you’re doing the best you can and you’re working toward progressing to a higher level until you are where you want to be.

Thank you for joining me on this journey.

